Dangerous Sociopath Call Police Funny Gif

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Have you ever found yourself dealing with someone who appeared to be extremely selfish? Or difficult?

I wager we've all been there.

As we go through life, we will likely find ourselves having to deal with people who seem to possess extreme levels of arrogance, manipulation… possibly even destructive behavior.

And these people may be narcissists.

Chances are, you have probably encountered a narcissist at some point in your life. In fact, you may even be in a close relationship with a narcissist and not even realize it.

It's not your fault.

In this article, we will define what makes a narcissist and review some examples of some weird things narcissists do.

First, what is a narcissist?

A narcissist is someone who's level of self-importance is so extreme that they never believe they can be wrong about anything.

Additionally, a constant need for attention and admiration are telltale signs of a narcissist.

Narcissists are known for an extreme lack of empathy, which makes it difficult to have a real relationship with them.

The worst part is that a narcissist can often hide in plain sight. Sometimes people think they are charming and quirky… they even have a good number of friends.

But, when they become challenged, they can become dangerous and feel the need to get back at the person they believe has done them wrong.

While even the most normal person can have moments of selfishness or thoughtlessness, a narcissist will take this to a higher level.

There are different types of narcissists.

  • A vulnerable narcissist may have constant anxiety and need a lot of attention. This type of narcissist always has a problem and never takes a minute to think about other people's problems. Although annoying, this type of narcissist may not be harmful to anyone other than his or herself.
  • A malignant narcissist also suffers from anxiety and, of course, needs extreme attention. But a malignant narcissist will often lash out, sometimes dangerously, if they feel slighted. They cannot handle any type of criticism and will hurt people without any remorse.

So, how do you know which narcissist you are dealing with? Or if you are even in the presence of a narcissist?

Keep reading and I can help with that.

(Side note: One of the best ways to increase your happiness and life satisfaction is to plan your day, so you focus on your TOP goals. To get started, watch this free video that details the 7-minute habit for planning your day to focus on what's important.)

What You Will Learn

  • 8 Weird Things That Narcissists Do to Manipulate People
    • 1. Turn a Conversation Into a Monologue
    • 2. Obsessed With Dictators
    • 3. It Will Always Be Your Fault
    • 4. Projecting Their Worst Qualities
    • 5. Practices Double Standards
    • 6. Prevents You from Relaxing
    • 7. Can Never Give a Compliment
    • 8. Exaggerating Little Things
  • Final Thoughts on Weird Things Narcissists Do

8 Weird Things That Narcissists Do to Manipulate People

1. Turn a Conversation Into a Monologue

Narcissists are not good at empathizing with people. Don't expect them to care about your bad day… or about something good that happened to you. Any attempt to have a conversation with a narcissist will usually turn into a one-way monologue, which they will dominate.

This is particularly evident when you tell them about something positive that happened to you. Rest assured, they will find a way to bring up something about their life that is even better. They need to have a "topper". For instance, if you tell them how you just ran your first 5K… they will talk about how they ran multiple marathons.

On the off chance the narcissist simply goes silent when they can't find something better to challenge you with, don't be surprised. Just take it as a small victory and walk away. They often end conversations quickly once they have run out of ways to dominate it.

2. Obsessed With Dictators

Narcissists are obsessed with power and control.  According to Anxiety.Org, narcissistic individuals often have an exaggerated sense of self- importance. So they often look up to and quote people who have dominated others throughout history. They usually feel no remorse about idolizing dictators who have harmed and killed many, such as Hitler. Even if the narcissist does not agree with all the extreme actions of such harsh leadership, they will probably find a way to make excuses for such totalitarian behavior. In other words, they will find a way to blame the victim. According to a typical narcissist in this situation, the victim must have done something that warranted a declaration of war.

3. It Will Always Be Your Fault

Because a narcissist is never wrong… you must understand that you will always be blamed for anything and everything. Whether you are a so-called friend or lover, you may be blamed for their car accident even though you were in the passenger seat at the time. They may berate you because it's raining today and you forgot to tell them to bring an umbrella. A malignant narcissist will get off by making you feel bad and destroying your self-esteem. Saying nasty things to you out of the blue or discarding you is par for the course.

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Since narcissist always believe that they are never wrong, you must understand that you will always be blamed for anything and everything.

4. Projecting Their Worst Qualities

Since narcissists love to blame others for everything, they will often go so far as to project their worst abilities towards you. For example, if your narcissist is an alcoholic, YOU may get criticized for having one drink at a party. Is your narcissistic partner cheating on you? Guess what? They will assume that every interaction you have with the opposite sex is a sign of your infidelity. A simple hello to someone else may bring about uncalled for accusations of flirtation. Did you clean the entire house, but forget to pick up the sock your narcissist partner left on the floor? Now you will be accused of being dirty.

5. Practices Double Standards

Narcissists tend to lack accountability. In other words, they are often hypocrites.

A narcissist can cheat on you, but you can't so much as say "hello" to a member of the opposite sex without scrutiny.

Another one of the weird things narcissists do involves screaming with rage about the most insignificant issue for hours on end… but anything you say against them will be blown out of proportion. Even if you speak in a calm voice, the very fact that you are disagreeing with them gives them the all the incentive they need to say that you are starting an argument.

  • Warning: according to Psychology Today, a Narcissist can be very ill-tempered behind closed doors; yet, will show their charismatic side in public.

6. Prevents You from Relaxing

One of the weird things narcissists do involves destroying your happiness and relaxing moments. They will purposefully do things to prevent you from doing something as simple as sleep. Even if you had a long day or are sick, a narcissist may start a fight while you are trying to sleep. They may do something as drastic as trying to get you out of bed. To make matters worse, a narcissist has no problems keeping you up all night arguing… often over something very trite.

7. Can Never Give a Compliment

Because a narcissist has to dominate, there is no room to acknowledge the achievements of someone else.  They may make hurtful remarks about how you did not really deserve a promotion. They may talk about their ex-lover, saying how great that relationship was and how they only settled for you. They may also simply show no reaction to news or what you are wearing whatsoever… making you feel less significant.

8. Exaggerating Little Things

Not only do narcissists have a grand sense of self, they can also make a mountain out of a molehill when it comes to an issue that would not be a problem to a healthy individual.

A narcissist that I know loves to tell people to get out of his house for politely disagreeing with him once.  It makes him feel he has all of the control.

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A former friend nearly had a meltdown due to a tiny scratch (not a dent) on her car that was barely noticeable. This tiny scratch put an end to our night out when she refused to talk about anything else for the remaining hours.

Narcissistic individuals will often resort to loud, cringe-worthy verbal attacks over these little things. You can go from having a nice conversation with such a person to suddenly being told they hate you over the difference of opinion… as if they flipped a switch.

Final Thoughts on Weird Things Narcissists Do

Dealing with narcissists can be quite draining for a normal individual.

But there good news is… if you have a narcissist in your life, you are not alone.

While not everyone can see it right away, my hope is that they will after reading this.

Once you've identified them, you have two choices:

  1. Distance or remove yourself from the situation.
  2. Protect yourself by acknowledging the situation and arming yourself with the tools you need to diffuse it.

By following the tips in this article, you will be more prepared to deal with the weird things narcissists do.

Should you ever find yourself in true danger, be sure to seek help via a therapist or the police.

To learn even more about this issue, be sure to check out our article that gives 41 famous quotes about dealing with narcissists.

Finally, if you want to increase your happiness and life satisfaction, then watch this free video that details the 7-minute habit for planning your day to focus on what's important .

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Source: https://www.happierhuman.com/weird-things-narcissists-do/

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